What to Include In An At-Home First Aid Kit

Everyone should have a first aid kit in their home in case of emergencies. Home emergencies can range from the simple (like getting a splinter) to the very dangerous (like an allergic reaction that could kill you).

No matter what happens, having a first aid kit on hand can help you act quickly and get your loved one the care they need. If you aren’t sure about putting together a kit, you might be wondering what to include in it.

There are many things that you can consider putting into your at home first aid kit. Read on to learn more about what they are!

Pain Relievers

Pain relievers help reduce swelling and pain and other signs of small cuts, scrapes, and bruises. Minor injuries can be alleviated with the use of over-the-counter pain medications. This includes acetaminophen or ibuprofen.

It is important to have the correct dosages of pain relievers for children and adults. Also, make sure to consult a doctor before giving any kind of medication to children.

Cold and Hot Packs

An at-home first aid kit should include cold and hot packs when treating minor injuries, such as strains and sprains. Cold packs help reduce swelling, inflammation, and pain that can be caused by minor injuries.

They should be applied for 15 to 20 minutes at a time and may need to be repeated several times throughout the day.


An at-home first aid kit should include bandages of various shapes and sizes. Standard bandages, such as small adhesive bandages and large bandages to cover larger wounds, are essential.

If you really want to be prepared during an emergency, consider getting first aid certification from https://cprcertificationnow.com/products/first-aid-certification-online. This will teach you the basic of first aid response.

Antiseptic Creams

Antiseptic creams are important for treating minor cuts, scrapes, and burns. As well as for treating small infections and for preventing infection in the first place. These may include bacitracin, povidone, mupirocin, or triple antibiotic creams.


Scissors are a highly versatile item to include in an at-home first aid kit. Bandage scissors can be used to trim away fabrics. This is while leaving the skin unharmed when applying bandages, or safety scissors with blunted edges can be useful to cut tape and gauze.


Tweezers are an essential item in any home first aid kit. They can be used to remove splinters from the skin, reducing the risk of infection. They can also be used to help apply dressing and secure bandages.

Cotton Swabs

Cotton swabs, also known as Q-tips, are a great item to have in an at-home first aid kit. These versatile tools can be used to safely clean wounds and around ostomy sites, pick up small objects like a splinter or piece of glass, and apply ointments and salves.

Always Prepare Your At-Home First Aid Kit

Be sure to research what should be included in an at-home first aid kit to make sure you are prepared. Make sure to regularly check the contents of your kit to ensure that they are up to date and functioning properly.

Make sure to inventory your First Aid items so that you can rest easy, confident that you are prepared for what life throws at you. Get prepared and get your first aid kit today!

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